
Thursday, April 28, 2016

Hide and Seek - Cloaking the Earth from THEM

Hide and Seek - Cloaking Earth from THEM

Ah!  The human condition.  We want to know everything, but we don't want everything knowing us. Even though, we'll never figure ourselves out.  Some think we have to hide, while we seek.  By shooting lasers into space. (Didn't do very well for the reputation of the Galactic Empire...)

In a recent study, Professor David Kipping and graduate student Alex Teachey, from Columbia University determined that it would be possible to mask the Earth from being detected while it is passing in front of the sun by firing lasers out into space.

Source: Washington Post

Hive mind? New claims that insects are conscious.

Hive mind?  New claims that insects are conscious.

I'll go ahead and put my stake in this.  I think all living things have consciousness.  They exist.  They live.  They die.  They chose.  They have feelings.  Yes, even love.  Have souls...  That idea really got my gears turning for my up-coming comic, Roach Guard.

Art by Dave Bain.  Roach Guard created by Michael K. Wheeler. Roach Guard © 2016 Michael K. Wheeler

Now science is backing up that idea.

A major new research paper published by scientists at Macquarie Universeity suggest that insects are not only conscious, but also exhibit egocentric behavior.  Which may have arisen over 500 million years ago in the Cambrian Period.

Source: Science Alert

Future Imperfect - Scientists warn that governments are not working fast enough.

Future Imperfect - Scientists warn that governments are not working fast enough.

A new report from Oxford University, entitled "Global Catastrophic Risks", outlines the biggest threats to mankind, each with the potential to kill more than ten percent of the human population.

These treats range from asteroid hits and warfare to super-volcanoes and man-made viruses.

Annihilation from robots was also considered.

Our reality.  This world we live in.  Is on the brink of a great change...

Though, I do hope to still wear pants while killing evil robots.

The go-go boots are out as well.

"History teaches us that many of these things are more likely than we intuitively think."  Sebastion Fraquhar, director at Oxford's Global Priorities Project.

"Hold on to your butts." - That one guy in Jurassic Park, immaculately portrayed by Samuel Jackson.

The particular point of this report is that governments need to get on track to help divert any and all of these possibilities...  Taking seriously the fact that we are not prepared for a future that is fast approaching.  A future that could easily divert away from what is best for humanity.

Source: Huffington Post

Friday, April 15, 2016

Introductions are in order...

Well, you have stumbled upon my dark corner of the interweb.  Welcome.

I am Michael K. Wheeler.  I am a husband of a beautiful woman, father of two amazing children and still consider myself an aspiring writer.

Currently working on two comic series, Nite and Roach Guard while working in the very public sector that is retail.

This is Sanctum of Solitude...  Carry on.

Still here?  Well.  Thanks for the devotion. But really... Check out the real posts!